Category Archives: Videos

Weeknote for 8/11/2019

Life maintenance πŸ™„ My life has been kind of crowded with life maintenance lately. I’m handling it okay, but it’s giving me less time for my projects and for sleep, and it’s been burdening me with extra worry. See the … Continue reading

Posted in AI, Car, Conceptual modeling, Cooking, Health, Life maintenance, Money, Movies, Productivity, Programming, Social issues, Videos, Weeknotes, Work | 1 Comment

Weeknote for 4/21/2019

Music 😎 At the beginning of the week, I played synth on our worship team at church. In our Saturday rehearsal the day before, our pianist, Sejeong, spontaneously reharmonized a couple of lines using an odd chord that worked perfectly. … Continue reading

Posted in Books, Coding project generator, Experimental literature, Holidays, Music theory, People, Videos, Weeknotes | 1 Comment

Update for 9/17/2017

Life management 😠 I’ve gotten tired of my slow programming progress, my information overload, my messy apartment, and my messy schedule. It’s time for another round of life organization. I have ideas about this, but I’ll go into them more … Continue reading

Posted in Beliefs report, Coding project generator, Hardware, Life management, Videos, Weeknotes, Writing | 1 Comment

Update for 8/13/2017

Blog The bullet list format looks a little overwhelming to me when there’s a lot of text, so this week I’m trying out headings. What do you think? Sleep No improvement this week, alas, and I’m starting to feel the … Continue reading

Posted in 360-degree camera, Beliefs report, Birthdays, Blog, Coding project generator, Futurism, Sleep, Solar eclipse, Spirituality, Travel, Videos, Weeknotes | 2 Comments

Update for 7/30/2017

Sleep – My sleep schedule wasn’t great at the beginning or end of the week, but in the middle I actually slept pretty well and was more alert during the day, and since that wasn’t the first week of success … Continue reading

Posted in Beliefs report, Coding project generator, Futurism, Movies, Sleep, Spirituality, Video games, Videos, Weeknotes | 2 Comments

Update for 7/23/2017

Sleep – I was much more tired and demotivated last week, despite going to bed at mostly normal times, so I’m going to blame that for how little I got done. This week I’m going to try getting 9 hours … Continue reading

Posted in Beliefs report, Books, Caring, Coding project generator, People, Productivity, Sleep, Video games, Videos, Weeknotes, Weird stuff | 3 Comments

Update for 3/13/2016, part 2

This is part 2 of a three-part initial weekly update on my site, my projects, and my life. Part 1 is here. Future updates will probably only take up one post. Project updates In progress Cognitive science field research – … Continue reading

Posted in Board games, Career, Cognitive science, Doctor Who, Drawing, Math relearning, Nutrition, Programming, Project updates, Videos, Writing | 2 Comments