Category Archives: Current events

Weeknote for 7/14/2024

Productivity πŸ™‚ Inspired by another listen to David Anderson’s book Kanban, I worked on making my evening schedule more consistent. The exploratory, knowledge-centered projects I’m involved with are more complex and variable than the manufacturing assembly lines addressed by The … Continue reading

Posted in Current events, Learning, Math relearning, Memory, Nature, Productivity, Weeknotes | Leave a comment

Weeknote for 5/22/2022

Health πŸ˜• My COVID quarantine might continue this week. The take-home instructions from my antibody treatment say to self-isolate until my symptoms have been gone for 24 hours. So I spent last week waiting for my cough to disappear, remembering … Continue reading

Posted in Conceptual modeling, COVID-19, Current events, People, Politics, Productivity, Sustainability, Weeknotes | Leave a comment

Weeknote for 5/1/2022

Website 😐 I made significant progress on fixing the website’s wiki. This will be my main project until I get it done (or until something more urgent comes up). Productivity 😎 My productivity system update project is on hold until … Continue reading

Posted in Current events, Productivity, Programming, Website, Weeknotes | Leave a comment

Weeknote for 4/17/2022

Productivity πŸ™‚ I fixed my sleep schedule. Now to keep it up. I’m back to my productivity system update this week. I’ve very much been looking forward to it. I’ll start with compiling my wish list of updates and then … Continue reading

Posted in Coffee, Current events, Productivity, Spirituality, Taxes, Weeknotes | Leave a comment

Weeknote for 4/10/2022

Productivity 😐 I’m returning to my productivity system update. It’ll continue as my main project until I’m satisfied with the milestones I reach. My sleep schedule is my main concern this week. My aim is to hold that schedule in … Continue reading

Posted in Current events, Productivity, Spirituality, Taxes, Weeknotes | Leave a comment

Weeknote for 3/13/2022

Productivity πŸ™‚ I relearned I have to aim for target times if I want to hit them. Up till now I’ve mainly been trying to schedule the important tasks for earlier in the day and letting everything take as long … Continue reading

Posted in Current events, Fiction, Politics, Productivity, Spirituality, Tea, Weeknotes, Wiki | Leave a comment

Weeknote for 2/27/2022

Website 😐 I’m taking a break from my main projects to fix my website. Not only has someone asked me about a page on the wiki, but I’m working on something new to post there. So it’s time to prioritize … Continue reading

Posted in COVID-19, Current events, Productivity, Site updates, Spirituality, Tea, Weeknotes | Leave a comment

Update for 11/13/2016

For those of you who were disappointed by the shortness of last week’s update, I think you’ll be happier this week. Project updates Ulcerative colitis – I went for my first Remicade treatment on Monday, and my next one for … Continue reading

Posted in Books, Brexit, Current events, Health, Life updates, Movies, Project updates, Weird stuff, Work, Writing | 2 Comments

Update for 10/16/2016

Site updates Wiki comments – I’ve enabled guest commenting, so now if you don’t want to register with Disqus, you can just type in your name and email address to comment like you do on the blog. Project updates Math … Continue reading

Posted in Anime, Books, Current events, Daily routine, Diet, Dusk, Exercise, GTD, Housekeeping, Math relearning, Movies, Music, Photography, Programming, Project updates, Site updates, Sleep | 5 Comments

Update for 10/9/2016

Project updates Math relearning – I didn’t get a lot done on this last week, but I did learn some more about the code I need to write and make a list of the tasks involved, which I’ll try to … Continue reading

Posted in Blood tests, Books, Current events, Daily routine, Diet, Exercise, Fringe theories, Health, Life updates, Math relearning, Programming, Project updates, Sleep, Writing | 4 Comments