Category Archives: Math

Weeknote for 7/7/2024

Learning πŸ™‚ I continued my mnemonic language setup with notes on the scope and characteristics of the language. Some key characteristics: The language is a mental one used for communicating with oneself, so its expression in English is a transliteration. … Continue reading

Posted in Holidays, Learning, Math, Math relearning, Memory, Nature, Productivity, Weeknotes | Leave a comment

Weeknote for 6/30/2024

Learning πŸ™‚ I outlined some preliminary topics for setting up my mnemonic language and wrote some notes on my rationale for the project. The key argument is that learning a consistent vocabulary and rule set for the system would keep … Continue reading

Posted in Learning, Math, Memory, Nature, Productivity, Sleep, Weeknotes | Leave a comment

Weeknote for 9/3/2023

Math 😐 I tracked down my notes from earlier generations of this project. That’s about all I gave myself time to do. This week I’ll make any flashcards I’m missing from prealgebra. AI πŸ™„ I spent too much of my … Continue reading

Posted in AI, Math, Nature, Weeknotes | Leave a comment

Weeknote for 5/17/2020

Learning πŸ™‚ Feeling good about failure. Last week completed the first sprint of my project to algorithmically generate a dictionary of mnemonic substitutes to help in memorizing, a lot like the ones in this thread. My aim in this sprint … Continue reading

Posted in Cooking, COVID-19, Math, Memory, Music, Personality, Programming, Weeknotes | Leave a comment