Category Archives: Project management

Weeknote for 6/23/2024

Productivity 😌 My productivity finally climbed back to an almost normal level thanks to getting more sleep. Either that or my brain decided two months was a long enough break. It’s a relief to feel like my new old self … Continue reading

Posted in AI, Learning, Memory, Movies, Productivity, Project management, Projects, Weeknotes | Leave a comment

Weeknote for 1/22/2023

Productivity 😐 I found two recipes to start off my new meal plan experiment. The idea is simple bowls that take minimal preparation. I chose Lentil Quinoa Bowl and Mediterranean Farro Salad. This week I’ll work on reformatting my project … Continue reading

Posted in Cooking, Productivity, Project management, Tea, Weeknotes | 2 Comments

Weeknote for 9/19/2021

Programming πŸ€” This week I’m trying out another Haskell intro book, Get Programming with Haskell by Will Kurt. Chapters 4 and 5 of Haskell Programming from First Principles slowed me way down, and the pace wasn’t going to work for … Continue reading

Posted in Apologetics, Programming, Project management, Religion, Space, Weeknotes | Leave a comment

Weeknote for 8/22/2021

Today’s weeknote catches me in the middle of a bunch of things rather than at the end when I usually like to report them, so I’ll just run through them quickly. Programming πŸ™‚ I got through the first three-and-a-half chapters … Continue reading

Posted in Cooking, Nature, People, Productivity, Programming, Project management, Weeknotes | Leave a comment

Weeknote for 5/16/2021

Housekeeping 😐 I’ve entered the messy phase of tidying. Marie Kondo says you need to purge before you organize, but really there’s some pre-purge organizing you have to do. You have to get all the items from the category you’re … Continue reading

Posted in Business, Coffee, Housekeeping, Money, Project management, Weeknotes | Leave a comment

Weeknote for 8/16/2020

Health πŸ€” My immune-suppressing prednisone level is low, but I’m still avoiding indoor crowds. This is mostly to avoid possibly delaying my ulcerative colitis treatments at the hospital, which would happen if I exposed myself to known or suspected cases … Continue reading

Posted in AI, Health, Learning, Math relearning, Project management, Social issues, Space, Weeknotes | Leave a comment

Weeknote for 3/29/2020

COVID-19 😐 This pandemic means different things to different people. Something I realized after the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami is that disasters are selective–the people living past the edge of the wave didn’t have their homes destroyed, and people inside … Continue reading

Posted in Bible reading plans, COVID-19, Movies, Productivity, Project management, Weeknotes | Leave a comment

Update for 11/4/2018

Music 😎 I tuned in to Jacob Collier’s livestream on Monday and found out he’s going on tour next year, and he’ll be in Chicago again. Unlike earlier this year when I found out about his Chicago concert only hours … Continue reading

Posted in Board games, General, Holidays, Music, People, Politics, Programming, Project management, Weeknotes | 1 Comment

Update for 10/28/2018

Welcome to my (overly long) weekly update, where I review my activities on my personal projects and other life events from the previous week and preview my upcoming plans. People πŸ™‚ Last weekend I drove to Wisconsin to visit my … Continue reading

Posted in Business, Chapel, Fiction, Goal map, Holidays, Housekeeping, Life maintenance, Music composition, People, Programming, Project management, Projects, Weeknotes | 2 Comments

Update for 7/22/2018

Life maintenance Just kidding, I guess. I’m moving after all. At the end of July. A lot happened last week. My top choice of apartments wasn’t going to be ready till after my lease ended, so I was thinking I’d … Continue reading

Posted in Anime, Apartment, Art, Cognitive science, Fiction, Life maintenance, Productivity, Project management, Weeknotes | 4 Comments