Monthly Archives: July 2023

Weeknote for 7/30/2023

Writing 😎 To wrap up this iteration on creative writing, I listened to Matt Bird’s excellent Secrets of Story and turned my attention to short stories. Those are the kind I expect to write, so I found a book on … Continue reading

Posted in Art, Video games, Weeknotes, Work, Writing | Leave a comment

Weeknote for 7/23/2023

Writing 😎 I collected my story ideas and found a literature textbook to study. The story ideas were random ones I’d recorded in my notes apps the past few years. They tend to be about social thought experiments, bizarre science … Continue reading

Posted in Gregg Shorthand, Tea, Weeknotes, Writing | Leave a comment

Weeknote for 7/16/2023

Productivity :thinking: I decided to try improving my schedule tracker in Google Sheets rather than moving it to Notion. I was convinced I’d move it, but then I didn’t want my Notion to become unusably slow from a ballooning database. … Continue reading

Posted in Art, Nature, Productivity, Weeknotes, Writing | Leave a comment

Weeknote for 7/9/2023

Productivity 🙂 Starting on another iteration of productivity system improvement gave me a burst of productivity motivation. I returned to a normal sleep schedule, cut out background distractions to improve my focus, and used countdown timers to limit my open-ended … Continue reading

Posted in Health, Nature, Productivity, Weeknotes | 1 Comment

Weeknote for 7/2/2023

Programming :thinking: I reviewed my Agile sources for their advice on project initialization to learn how requirements fit into the Agile lifecycle. They fit uneasily, it seems, since Agile enthusiasts like to keep specification informal and minimal, but the authors … Continue reading

Posted in Nature, Productivity, Programming, Video games, Weeknotes | 2 Comments