Category Archives: Movies

Weeknote for 7/21/2024

Productivity 😎 I’m getting an early start on my personal Kanban system. Since my new motivation to keep a schedule is still alive, I’ve had some extra time in the morning for side projects, so I’ve been spending it on … Continue reading

Posted in Math relearning, Movies, Nature, Productivity, Sustainability, Weeknotes | Leave a comment

Weeknote for 6/23/2024

Productivity 😌 My productivity finally climbed back to an almost normal level thanks to getting more sleep. Either that or my brain decided two months was a long enough break. It’s a relief to feel like my new old self … Continue reading

Posted in AI, Learning, Memory, Movies, Productivity, Project management, Projects, Weeknotes | Leave a comment

Weeknote for 6/16/2024

Productivity 😌 I got tired of my tiredness and prioritized sleep. This is part of an approach of trying to aim my activities at key tasks in my schedule rather than simply focusing on each one as if it were … Continue reading

Posted in Cooking, Movies, Productivity, Sleep, Weeknotes | Leave a comment

Weeknote for 6/9/2024

Learning 🤓 I filled in my linguistics knowledge with Essentials of Linguistics and “Introduction to Lexicography for FieldWorks Language Explorer.” These helped me contemplate the features of my mnemonic language. Nature 🙂 I set up a tentative sequence for rotating … Continue reading

Posted in Learning, Memory, Movies, Nature, Weeknotes | Leave a comment

Weeknote for 3/17/2024

Learning 😎 Scott Young’s Ultralearning (TED talk) is setting the agenda for my learning project. The book is about how to learn a lot about a subject in a relatively short time, perfect for the kind of learning projects I … Continue reading

Posted in Learning, Movies, Nature, Weeknotes | 1 Comment

Weeknote for 8/27/2023

Life maintenance :relieved: I bought a new 12-inch skillet and some clothes. My old skillet has needed replacing for years, and I hope having a new one will at least temporarily motivate me not to procrastinate on cooking. My wardrobe … Continue reading

Posted in AI, Clothes, Cooking, Life maintenance, Math relearning, Movies, Weeknotes | Leave a comment

Weeknote for 11/27/2022

Holidays 😐 I’ll need another week or two on the Christmas labels. I reached a major mile stone last week, but after achieving this 90% mark, I find I have 90% left to go. But this project is giving me … Continue reading

Posted in Christmas labels, Cooking, Holidays, Movies, Productivity, Programming, Weeknotes | Leave a comment

Weeknote for 11/13/2022

Christmas 🙂 I finished making my Christmas list. I like to craft my wish list, which takes some research time, and I ended up with way less time than I thought I needed. But the work journaling I’ve been using … Continue reading

Posted in Holidays, Movies, Nature, Photography, Productivity, Weeknotes | Leave a comment

Weeknote for 10/23/2022

Politics 😐 My friend Heather jumpstarted my election research with links to some helpful endorsements. Other than listening to those, I only got as far as setting up an outline for my notes, but I’m still aiming to drop off … Continue reading

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Weeknote for 10/9/2022

Productivity 😐 I’m trying a third-party script, enex2notion, for importing my Evernote notebooks into Notion, since Notion’s import is unreliable. Last week I laboriously exported all my many notebooks from Evernote into ENEX files for the script to import, and … Continue reading

Posted in Movies, People skills, Productivity, Programming, Weeknotes | 1 Comment