Category Archives: Projects

Weeknote for 6/23/2024

Productivity 😌 My productivity finally climbed back to an almost normal level thanks to getting more sleep. Either that or my brain decided two months was a long enough break. It’s a relief to feel like my new old self … Continue reading

Posted in AI, Learning, Memory, Movies, Productivity, Project management, Projects, Weeknotes | Leave a comment

Weeknote for 1/7/2024

Productivity πŸ€” I spent the first half of the week scheduling my projects for the year. My experiment with full-year project scheduling last year worked well enough that I decided to keep it going with some changes. The main change … Continue reading

Posted in Bible reading plans, Productivity, Projects, Spirituality, Weeknotes | Leave a comment

Weeknote for 10/16/2022

Productivity πŸ™‚ I’ve imported all my Evernote notebooks into Notion using the enex2notion script. The next step is to integrate the notes into my Notion system, which will take some reorganizing of the two sets of projects, and I’ll need … Continue reading

Posted in Coffee, Cooking, Politics, Productivity, Projects, Weeknotes | Leave a comment

Update for 2/3/2019

Housekeeping πŸ€” January’s apartment tidying project has “concluded.” I’m done dedicating project time to it for now, but I’ll keep working on it in the background. In spite of my lack of work on it during its scheduled month, I … Continue reading

Posted in Housekeeping, Programming, Projects, TV, Weeknotes | Leave a comment

Update for 12/30/2018

Christmas πŸ™‚ Part 2 of my Christmas vacation, with a catalog of my family’s traditions. Sunday Doughnuts that our dad picks up from a local shop. This is more of an every-Sunday tradition. I always get a chocolate covered glazed … Continue reading

Posted in Christmas labels, Fiction, Holidays, Housekeeping, Movies, Projects, Weeknotes | 2 Comments

Update for 10/28/2018

Welcome to my (overly long) weekly update, where I review my activities on my personal projects and other life events from the previous week and preview my upcoming plans. People πŸ™‚ Last weekend I drove to Wisconsin to visit my … Continue reading

Posted in Business, Chapel, Fiction, Goal map, Holidays, Housekeeping, Life maintenance, Music composition, People, Programming, Project management, Projects, Weeknotes | 2 Comments

Update for 10/14/2018

Futurism πŸ€” The futurism group met on Tuesday, and our topic was gaming and culture. For once it was a topic I was familiar with. We talked about the benefits and drawbacks of video games, PC vs console games, and … Continue reading

Posted in Diet, Fiction, Futurism, Goal map, Housekeeping, Life maintenance, Music composition, People, Programming, Projects, Travel, Video games, Weeknotes | Leave a comment

Update for 9/30/2018

Site 😐 Housekeeping note: My DNS issue turned out to be on my web host’s end, and they’ve fixed it. Everyone should be able to access the site now. Goal map πŸ™‚ I’ve created a page on the wiki for … Continue reading

Posted in Books, Business, Goal map, Music composition, Projects, Site updates, Weeknotes | Leave a comment

Update for 9/16/2018

People πŸ™‚ My brother Michael’s visit continued on Sunday. He was in town to see the head priest of their new church plant get ordained. I tagged along and got to see my old work friend and his family, who … Continue reading

Posted in Apartment, Futurism, Life maintenance, Music composition, People, Politics, Productivity, Projects, Weeknotes | Leave a comment

Update for 9/9/2018

Life maintenance πŸ™‚ It’s been a little over a month since I moved, and I still haven’t unpacked. But my furniture is in place, and now I’ve moved my boxes out of the middle of the living room and into … Continue reading

Posted in AI, Apartment, Career, Grad school, Life maintenance, Music composition, People, Programming, Projects, Public coding guide, Spirituality, Weeknotes | 1 Comment