Category Archives: Projects

Update for 9/2/2018

Life maintenance Apartment 🙂 I settled on a furniture layout for my apartment. It’s based on a set of furniture that includes pieces I don’t have yet. My thought is I can place the ones I already have and then … Continue reading

Posted in Apartment, Books, Fiction, Grad school, Life maintenance, Projects, Spirituality, Video games, Weeknotes | 6 Comments

Update for 1/22/2017

It’s Thursday, a record for lateness on one of these weekly updates. For the newcomers, the date in the title really just tells you which week I’m updating for rather than the exact day I’m posting it. Ideally I post … Continue reading

Posted in Books, Comics, Cooking, Housekeeping, Movies, Nostalgia box, Programming, Project updates, Projects, TV | 2 Comments

Update for 1/15/2017

Project updates Projects – I’m still feeling dissatisfied with my productivity, especially the sense that I haven’t made much of anything that would really interest other people, so I’m going to carve out some time to think about that this … Continue reading

Posted in Bookmarks, Books, Comics, Housekeeping, Life updates, Livestreams, Map magnets, People, Project updates, Projects, TV, Video games | 4 Comments

Update for 1/8/2017

Project updates Project map – I haven’t worked on it constantly, but I can tell it’ll take a long time to think through these issues, so I’m going to move the project purposely to the background to keep from putting … Continue reading

Posted in Bookmarks, Books, Devotions, Housekeeping, Map magnets, Math relearning, Movies, Nostalgia box, People, Programming, Project updates, Projects, TV | 2 Comments

Update for 1/1/2017

Happy New Year! Life updates Christmas – At the beginning of last week I was still on vacation. Monday – The family had our annual breakfast at the House Cafe and then our annual tradition of going out to see … Continue reading

Posted in Board games, Books, Holidays, Housekeeping, Life updates, Math relearning, Movies, Music, Nostalgia box, Programming, Project updates, Projects, VR | 4 Comments

Update for 12/25/2016

Project updates Christmas – Once I got to Texas Sunday night, most of my time was spent sitting around the house and conversing, interrupted by airports, restaurants, and decorating. Projects – Now that Christmas is over, I can tell you … Continue reading

Posted in Dusk, Holidays, Movies, Music, Project updates, Projects, VR | 4 Comments

Update for 12/11/2016

Project updates Christmas Projects – I’m trying to remember that I have time to work on these over my vacation, so I don’t have to stress myself out trying to finish them before I leave, especially since traveling makes me … Continue reading

Posted in Books, Coffee, Coping, Holidays, Life updates, Party games, People, Programming, Project updates, Projects, Travel | 1 Comment

Update for 12/4/2016

Project updates Bookmarks – I didn’t work much on the desynced bookmarks situation, but I did think through it enough to start dreading it, since writing a script to merge them was going to take a fair amount of work. … Continue reading

Posted in Books, Death, Devotions, Holidays, Life updates, Programming, Project updates, Projects | Leave a comment

Update for 11/27/2016

Life updates Thanksgiving – On Wednesday I made a very stressful drive down through hours and hours of rain to my sister’s place, and what a relief to finally get there and see her and my brother. Thursday we went … Continue reading

Posted in Books, Death, Exercise, Holidays, Housekeeping, Life updates, Movies, Programming, Project updates, Projects | 2 Comments

Update for 11/20/2016

Project updates Project map – I’ve made progress in sorting out my projects, and I’ll post a streamlined version of my article sometime soon. Bookmarks – The election and creepy fiction articles are coming, but to make those easier, I … Continue reading

Posted in Death, Freelancing, Holidays, Housekeeping, Life updates, Movies, Project updates, Projects | 6 Comments