Category Archives: Videos

Weeknote for 4/28/2024

Still behind, but I’m working on it! Learning πŸ€” I started collecting memory palaces and names for representing numbers and continued exploring other mnemonic ideas. For palaces I started with my childhood home, which took me about an hour to … Continue reading

Posted in Learning, Liminal spaces, Memory, Videos, Weeknotes | 1 Comment

Weeknote for 12/10/2023

Productivity 😐 This project moved to the back burner. It’ll probably stay there a while longer as I work through miscellaneous other tasks. That’s kind of the nature of my Decembers. Nature πŸ™‚ I volunteered to test creek water over … Continue reading

Posted in Nature, Productivity, Videos, Weeknotes | 1 Comment

Weeknote for 11/5/2023

Christmas 😐 I have a usable Christmas list for my family now, but I still have a few things to research. One question is how to add non-Amazon products to my list, since the Amazon Assistant browser extension is defunct. … Continue reading

Posted in Death, Holidays, People, Videos, Weeknotes, Weird stuff | 2 Comments

Weeknote for 10/29/2023

Christmas 😐 I made a small start Christmas list. It seems like I all I did last week was work, but at the end I fit in a little planning on the list. I’m aiming to cram in the research … Continue reading

Posted in Holidays, Nature, Videos, Weeknotes | Leave a comment

Weeknote for 4/23/2023

Programming I did nothing on the software development notes. I’d been looking forward to this project, but now that it’s here, I’m strangely unmotivated, and I’ve let other activities crowd my time. So the next step is to figure that … Continue reading

Posted in Fiction, Programming, Space, Videos, Weeknotes | Leave a comment

Weeknote for 4/18/2021

Website 😐 I updated my website software. I made a WordPress update, which broke the blog, updated my PHP version, which broke the wiki, and updated MediaWiki, which fixed the wiki except for the abandoned extensions I’ll have to replace. … Continue reading

Posted in Housekeeping, Life maintenance, Life management, Money, Movies, Productivity, The Thinkulum, Videos, Weeknotes | Leave a comment

Weeknote for 4/11/2021

Productivity 😐 I’m getting back into GTD. I’m trying to use it as a low-energy activity to stay productive when I’m tired after work. So far I’ve mostly been organizing the uncategorized tasks I’ve accumulated in Nirvana over the years. … Continue reading

Posted in Coffee, Exercise, Money, Productivity, Travel, Videos, Weeknotes | Leave a comment

Weeknote for 3/21/2021

Productivity 😎 I started a new productivity experiment at work. It went very well all week. Instead of letting myself extend my workday several hours to make up for wasted time, I’m only letting myself work between 7:30 am and … Continue reading

Posted in Coffee, Money, Nature, Productivity, Spirituality, Videos, Weeknotes, Work | Leave a comment

Weeknote for 1/31/2021

Productivity 😎 Week 1 of my elastic habits went very well. I didn’t miss a day on any of my habits (sleep, housekeeping, and projects). I’ll cover the details in the next sections. Sleep πŸ™‚ I got an Elite win … Continue reading

Posted in AI, Housekeeping, Money, Politics, Productivity, Programming, Reading, Sleep, Space, Thinking, Videos, Weeknotes | Leave a comment

Weeknote for 9/13/2020

Life maintenance 😐 I spent last week getting through regular and freelance work. Somehow that seemed to take up all my time, other than naps and miscellaneous tasks. I have a new Remicade schedule. After my upcoming infusion, I’ll do … Continue reading

Posted in AI, Health, Memory, Videos, Weeknotes, Work | Leave a comment