Category Archives: Sleep

Weeknote for 6/30/2024

Learning πŸ™‚ I outlined some preliminary topics for setting up my mnemonic language and wrote some notes on my rationale for the project. The key argument is that learning a consistent vocabulary and rule set for the system would keep … Continue reading

Posted in Learning, Math, Memory, Nature, Productivity, Sleep, Weeknotes | Leave a comment

Weeknote for 6/16/2024

Productivity 😌 I got tired of my tiredness and prioritized sleep. This is part of an approach of trying to aim my activities at key tasks in my schedule rather than simply focusing on each one as if it were … Continue reading

Posted in Cooking, Movies, Productivity, Sleep, Weeknotes | Leave a comment

Weeknote for 2/26/2023

Life maintenance πŸ™‚ I made better progress on my spring housekeeping. I fixed my Quicken data, did my invoicing, caught up on some cleaning, and found some replacement shoes to buy. This week’s project: taxes. AI :thinking: I finally got … Continue reading

Posted in AI, Life maintenance, Sleep, Spirituality, Weeknotes | Leave a comment

Weeknote for 2/19/2023

Life maintenance 😐 In the brief time I had for this project, I planned the iteration and made a few purchases. It seems like half my possessions are wearing out and need to be replaced. I also applied for my … Continue reading

Posted in AI, Cooking, Life maintenance, Nature, Productivity, Sleep, Weeknotes | 2 Comments

Weeknote for 2/12/2023

Finances πŸ€” I’m closing in on choosing the funds for my medium-term investing. There have still been a surprising number of issues to learn about. It’s technically time to pause the project for the next one, but I don’t like … Continue reading

Posted in Health, Life maintenance, Money, Productivity, Sleep, Weeknotes | Leave a comment

Weeknote for 1/29/2023

Productivity πŸ€” I planned some of the changes I want to make to my project format and organization in Notion. I made some of the changes, but I’ll have to make the rest as a side project. I made a … Continue reading

Posted in AI, Money, Productivity, Sleep, Spirituality | Leave a comment

Weeknote for 5/30/2021

Finances πŸ˜• I examined some opinions on long-term care insurance. I spent more time on them than is really called for at this stage of this project, since I’m only collecting costs, but I’ll need to look into it sometime … Continue reading

Posted in Housekeeping, Money, Music, Programming, Sleep, Weeknotes | Leave a comment

Weeknote for 3/7/2021

Hobbies 😎 Sunday, thanks to procrastination, I let my mind wander for quite a while on the web, and I was inspired by two ideas for new hobbies. I’m adding stormwater management to my local sightseeing. Living in an area … Continue reading

Posted in Death, Gardening, Money, Sleep, Stormwater management, Weeknotes | Leave a comment

Weeknote for 2/28/2021

Blog πŸ™‚ To make these weeknotes easier, I’m writing parts of them in advance. Specifically, when I finish a book, I’m making myself write about it before I start the next one. Writing a weeknote segment is part of my … Continue reading

Posted in Blog, Coffee, Money, Sleep, Spirituality, Weeknotes | Leave a comment

Weeknote for 2/7/2021

Productivity πŸ™‚ I finished my first two-week period of Elastic Habits, and so far it’s going really well. My score was 129 out of a range of 0 to (I think) 366 (for my 14-day schedule). The main goal is … Continue reading

Posted in Housekeeping, Money, People, Productivity, Sleep, Weeknotes | Leave a comment