Category Archives: Fiction

Weeknote for 6/5/2022

Productivity 😐 I worked on my productivity framework and assessed the progress of this project. It’s taken longer than I wanted, and it seems to be a matter of interruptions, some dead-end learning experiments, random side tasks within the project, … Continue reading

Posted in Fiction, Nature, People, Productivity, Programming, Weeknotes | Leave a comment

Weeknote for 5/29/2022

Health πŸ€” My COVID antigen test was negative on Saturday, so I’m ending my isolation. Evidently all my vaccinations plus a breakthrough infection make me possibly super immune now. But I feel more vulnerable, like my immune system has taken … Continue reading

Posted in Cooking, COVID-19, Fiction, Productivity, Weeknotes | Leave a comment

Weeknote for 3/20/2022

Website 😐 I finished installing a copy of the website on my local computer. Reminding myself of how to do that and then integrating it with Visual Studio Code took some time. I tested it out on WordPress, since the … Continue reading

Posted in Fiction, People, Spirituality, Website, Weeknotes | Leave a comment

Weeknote for 3/13/2022

Productivity πŸ™‚ I relearned I have to aim for target times if I want to hit them. Up till now I’ve mainly been trying to schedule the important tasks for earlier in the day and letting everything take as long … Continue reading

Posted in Current events, Fiction, Politics, Productivity, Spirituality, Tea, Weeknotes, Wiki | Leave a comment

Weeknote for 3/6/2022

Website 😐 I didn’t do anything on fixing the website. My project time was taken up by invoicing. Maybe this week. Vacation πŸ™‚ My birthday is this week, and I’m taking the day off. I asked myself what I wanted … Continue reading

Posted in Birthdays, Coffee, Fiction, Site updates, Spirituality, Tea, Weeknotes | Leave a comment

Weeknote for 2/20/2022

Productivity πŸ™‚ I’m creating mnemonics for Emacs commands. I’m thinking it’ll help me learn the many, many arbitrary-seeming commands in this software. The keystroke sequences have fairly regular structures, so it shouldn’t be too hard to search and replace the … Continue reading

Posted in Fiction, Memory, Productivity, Tea, Weeknotes | Leave a comment

Weeknote for 2/6/2022

Productivity 😎 I got through another page of the Org guide, and then I made a cheat spreadsheet. It’ll let me sort by different pieces of info so I have a more flexible way to review the many, many commands. … Continue reading

Posted in Coffee, Fiction, Housekeeping, Productivity, Tea, Weeknotes, Writing | Leave a comment

Weeknote for 1/30/2022

Productivity 😐 I made no progress on the Org part of this project. I’ll see if I can prioritize it this week. πŸ™‚ I made lots of progress on my scheduling notes, which are growing into plans for a full-fledged … Continue reading

Posted in Cooking, Fiction, Productivity, Tea, Weeknotes | Leave a comment

Weeknote for 1/23/2022

Productivity 😐 On the Org guide, I did indeed have another surprise, and I only got through a couple more chapters. Maybe I can push through the rest of it this week. The surprise was getting an emergency freelance job, … Continue reading

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Weeknote for 1/16/2022

Productivity 😎 I got through another chapter of the Org guide. Unless something unexpected happens, this week I should have more time for it. What crowded it out the past couple of weeks were my blog posts, which have dragged … Continue reading

Posted in Fiction, Personal development, Productivity, Weeknotes | Leave a comment