Weeknote for 10/30/2022



After a big final research push on Saturday, I dropped off my mail-in ballot. The research was interesting and educational, as usual, teaching me about the local and state issues people care about at the moment and giving me a clearer sense of the criteria I use to make election decisions.



The first of my Christmas projects is to update my wish list, which is a tradition in my family to make it easier for everyone to shop. Mine ends up being a whole research project on its own, so this year, since I’m into scheduling things now, it’s getting planned like a project and scheduled for the next couple of weeks.



I had an appointment with the new primary doctor I’d chosen. He was personable and actively solicited my questions, and he helped me rule out a medical test I wondered about having done, all of which made me satisfied with my choice.

People skills


Emily Post’s Etiquette overwhelmed me with its long list of rules and suggestions to learn covering a wide range of social situations. But I was glad people had come up with this kind of advice, and I’m looking forward to calming the overwhelm by analyzing this treasure trove down to its principles and then aggravating it again by speculating on how they’d apply to even more situations.

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