Weird things are fun

While I’m finishing up my current main project, I thought I’d post something about a side interest. Every once in a while I go through a phase where I learn about a bunch of weird things. It’s usually the paranormal, but I also include more normal categories that I just find strange, such as undeciphered codes. It had been a long time since one of these phases had come around, but I’ve had a couple in the last month or two.

So on the wiki I’ve started a list of some of my favorite weird things. It’ll grow over time. This list is specifically for historical or pseudoscientific weird things that people claim to be true. It’s not for religious or philosophical weirdness or for speculative fiction. I’ll make other lists for those sometime later. Even if you’re not into the paranormal or conspiracy theories, there are plenty of regular mysteries on the list that might interest you. I even put them first. So take a look. I promise your sanity won’t dissolve … right away.

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5 Responses to Weird things are fun

  1. Linda W says:

    I read the Taman Shud case on your list. Very weird. Sherlock Holmes needs to solve that one.

  2. Sumurai8 says:

    Should I be offended that I am not on this list? Am I suddenly normal?

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